Thursday, June 23, 2011

May 2011

Introducing May 2011's
No Cavity Club Members:

                                  Lisa Brown                                   Bayler Robertson
                                  Jane Dunlap                                 Campbell Robertson
                                  Sam Dunlap                                 Riley Robertson
                                  Anci Dy                                       Kristen Simsa
                                  Anika Dy                                     Anna Smith
                                  Brianne Giddis                             Alicen VanBeelen
                                  Nolan Giddis                                Roseanna VanBeelen

Congratulations to Anna Smith

April 2011

Introducing April 2011's
No Cavity Club Members:

                               Alexis Coyne                               Anna Jarvis
                               Ashley Edmondson                      Ellie Mugerian
                               Colin Elliott                                  Haley Nemec-Dimarzo
                               Kelsi Elliott                                  Nicholas Pinna
                               Hagan Emiling                              Alexandra Press
                               Brady Fiebing                               Lily Noonan
                               Olivia Fiebing                               Sarah Schleifer
                               Patrick Fiebing                             Casey Smith
                               Madeleine George

Congratulations to Lily Robertson

March 2011

Introducing March 2011's
No Cavity Club Members:

Katelin Kyser
Trevor Lewis
Isabell McMann
Michelle Robertson
Dillon Swinney
Garrett Tremble

Congratulations to Katelin Kyser

February 2011

Introducing February 2011's
No Cavity Club Members:

                             Jacob Benbow                                  Shaylee McAuliffe
                             Alison Fisher                                    Elijah McClellan
                             Zachary Gerlando                             Gideon McClellan
                             Elijah Jacobs                                    Isaiah McClellan
                             Malaki Jacobs                                  Obadiah McClellan
                             Laura Klabunde                                Alaina Mitchell
                             Matthew Klabunde                           Jordan Ruckle
                             Megan Klabunde                              Maria Wood
                             Ian Lessard                                      Megan Wood
                             Taylor Malmquist                              Evan Worthington
                             Peter McAndrews

Congratulations to Peter McAndrews

January 2011

Introducing January 2011's
No Cavity Club Members:

                                      Sophie Brown                     Sam Franz
                                      Sarah Casassa                    Thor Grebe
                                      Deziree Elmer                     Philipp Harris
                                      Charles Fialon                    Chimuka Mafonko
                                      Reagan Fialon                     Lily Noonan
                                      Adeline Franz                     Alex Shumaker
                                      Kenzi Franz                        Griffin Weatherholt
                                      Max Franz                          Hannah Weatherholt

Congratulations to Chimuka Mafonko

December 2010

Introducing December 2010's
No Cavity Club Members:

                                Drew Breimayer                     Meghan Roy
                                Rachael Burch                       Marie Savoie
                                Rebekah Burch                      Olivia Schmitz
                                Alyssan Clarke                      Jared Swanson
                                Rylan Clarke                          Kaitlin Utter
                                Gregory Eder                         Mason Waskiewicz
                                Amelia Jordan                        Parker Waskiewicz
                                Mitchell Laracey

Congratulations to Parker Waskiewicz

November 2010

Introducing November 2010's No Cavity Club Members:

                              Lisa Brown                          Campbell Robertson
                              Natalie Burns                       Riley Robertson
                              Jane Dunlap                         Liam Simon
                              Samuel Dunlap                     Kristen Simsa  
                              Anika Dy                             Anna Smith
                              Chad Farrell                         Alicen VanBeelen
                              Natalee Hill                          Roseanna VanBeelen
                              Noah Hill                              Elijah Vanvynckt
                              Bayler Robertson                  Jacob Vanvynckt
Congratulation to Anika Dy

Friday, June 17, 2011

Coming Soon...

Greetings everyone! 

I would like to announce the possibility of having our No Cavity Club join the world wide web.  We are very excited about this step into the future. 
The No Cavity Club is our way of taking note and congratulating the care that each member gives their teeth.  These members take care of their teeth by brushing and coming in for their regular appointments with the hygienist.  Fluoride, flossing, and sealants are also helpful with preventing cavities.

How the No Cavity Club works:
You must be a patient of Dr. Yancho's and be between the ages of 0 to 12 years old. 
When you come in for your cleaning and exam with Dr. Yancho and do not have any cavities you will automatically be placed in the No Cavity Club. 
At the end of the month, one name will be drawn from the No Cavity Club and become the winner of the month. 
If you are the winner you will receive a phone call asking you to come in to select your prize.  We will take a picture and place it along with your name and the list of others on this website.