Greetings everyone!
I would like to announce the possibility of having our No Cavity Club join the world wide web. We are very excited about this step into the future.
The No Cavity Club is our way of taking note and congratulating the care that each member gives their teeth. These members take care of their teeth by brushing and coming in for their regular appointments with the hygienist. Fluoride, flossing, and sealants are also helpful with preventing cavities.
How the No Cavity Club works:
You must be a patient of Dr. Yancho's and be between the ages of 0 to 12 years old.
When you come in for your cleaning and exam with Dr. Yancho and do not have any cavities you will automatically be placed in the No Cavity Club.
At the end of the month, one name will be drawn from the No Cavity Club and become the winner of the month.
If you are the winner you will receive a phone call asking you to come in to select your prize. We will take a picture and place it along with your name and the list of others on this website.